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X-Cycles (Fishy Cycles)

Points. An X-Cycle is a single digit continuous loop made of N truths covered with N links, like basic fish. It therefore has a rank of 0 and eliminates all extra candidates in any of the covering links.


X-Cycle Example 1. Three truth, (length 6) X-Cycle made from all rows. Covering links are shaded black indicating rank 0.

X-Cycle Example 1. Three truth, (length 6) X-Cycle made from all columns. Covering links are shaded black indicating rank 0.

X-Cycle Example 1. Three truth, (length 6) X-Cycle made from one row, one box, and one column.  Covering links are shaded black indicating rank 0.

Grouped X-Cycle Example 1.  Grouped three truth, (length 6) X-Cycle made from one row and two columns.   Covering links are shaded black indicating rank 0.