R Allan Barker   science | technology | history | philosophy | curiosity
Last updated April 28, 2023


GCN (Graphics Core Next} is AMD's newest processor architecture used in GPUs and integrated CPU/graphics processors. For anyone who enjoys the power of lower level programming, GCN ia all new and amazingly powerful.

At the assembly level, programming is similar to traditional CPUs but uses two interwoven instruction sets, one for vector operations and one for scalars.  The two run in parallel and access common resources. Both have rich and powerful instructions like single cycle floating point transcendentals and a wide range of bit operations. Forget twiddling bits, now you can bash them.

The problem is you cannot access GCN's full power.

GCN C compiler and assembler, extending OPENCL

Currently the only way to program GCN gpus is with OpenCL, which is hardware architecture independent leaving much of GCN's power inaccessible. OpenCL doesn't even support global synchronization, probably because it roots come from graphics programming.

GCNC implements a traditional C/assembler programming environment that compiles directly to GCN machine code. C and/or assembly (ISA) programs are compiled to binary and run from the user's host program like OpenCL, using the OpenCL environment. Source code files can contain sections with GCNC C, ISA assembly, and AMD's IL code. Compilation is directed by simple #define statements in the host program, for which I use mingw gcc C.

GCNC is based on the wonderful LCC compiler and is still under development. LCC provides very good optimization for its age but works on a different paradigm than modern compilers like AMD's openCL. While modern compilers often fully rewrite programs, GCNC optimizes the code the programmer writes. Optimization is a dual effort between programmer and compiler allowing the programmer to control the output, just like the good old days. GCNC fully opens the GCN architecture by including low level built in functions, instructions, register access, and inline assembly. The assembler implements the full GCN instruction set and does assembly level optimization to find the best GCN instruction formats. It also assembles AMD's GCN assembly code.

Like C, GCNC started as a way to avoid coding in assembly yet maintain a strong link to hardware. As a project, it has been a daunting task to adapt to the full scope of a parallel environment like GCN. Currently, the pace of development is based mostly on need, although whim is often considered a need. While it implements C, complex syntax can still uncover areas that need further attention. I have now used GCNC for several substantial projects and the results have better than expected. Although AMD's openCL may write better code, the programmer's control over the output seems more important to producing very high performance code.

I was never able to share this development as I had hoped but it still serves as an example of how to access GCN's low level power. See example code in below file.

The GCN C compiler was developed to run on a 24 GPU system
The system uses 12 water cooled AMD R295X2 dual GPU cards for 6 GPUs per computer. Computers share  80gb RDMA links allowing one program to use all 24 GPUs.  

The file below shows many examples of GCNC's  syntax.

#include "../gcnc.h"                           // The GCNC header file

// Skeleton program compiled by the OCL compiler
// Synchronizes the opencl system with the GCNC compiler
#ifndef _MIXCODE_LCC
kernel void lcctest(
    global double *p,
    global double *q,
    global int  *prb,
    const int a,
    const int b)
int x = get_global_id(0), y = get_global_id(1);
   p[y] = q[prb[x]];
// A GCNC C program with some example syntax
#define WAVE_BAR_0 1
#define N_WAVES  31

int real_function(int,int);                    // forward delaration of a callable functions

extern sregister unsigned long exec,vcc;       // access to special register 'exec' , 'vcc'
extern sregister unsigned int scc;             // access to special register 'scc'
extern sregister unsigned int m0;              // access to special register 'm0'


builtin float sin(float);                      // builtin function sin(x), units of 2*PI
builtin float sin_2pi(float);                  // builtin function 1 insn sin(x), units of 1.0
builtin float v_sin_f32(float);                // builtin 'instruction' uses GCN insn names
        asm("v_sin_f32 #0 #1",x,y);            // inline assembly code

builtin float v_sin_f32(float);                // by default, 'builtin' return vgprs
sbuiltin unsigned long mem_time(void);         // get gpu clock, 'sbuiltin' returns sgprs

builtin double fma64(double,double,double);    // many builtin functions
builtin uint bitcount(uint, uint);             // builtin GCN bit op functions

builtin void ds_max_f64(double *,double,...);  // lds fucntions, variable args for offsets
builtin void gs_max_f64(double *,double);      // gds fucntions can use gd_ prefix
builtin int atomic_cmpswap(int,int);           // builtin global atomics

builtin void tbuf_load(buf, yy, 3*8);          // global read/write builtin functions
builtin void tbuf_load4_glc(buf, yy, 3*8);     // global read/write  functions use glc bit

#define CON_INT      123                       // constant forms
#define CON_UINT     123U
#define CON_LONG     123L
#define CON_ULONG    123LU
#define CON_FLOAT    1.234f
#define CON_DOUBLE   1.234

struct tree{                                   // structures and pointers
     struct tree *l,*r;                        // pointers to structures
     int a:8,b:12,c:12;
     int f;
kernel void lcctest(                        //
    global double * buf,
    global double * out,
    global int * _printf_,                  // buffer for fast printf
    const int arg2,
    const int arg3
    register  int    gx,gy,gid;             // private variables are type 'register'
              int    a,j,k,vgpr;            // 'register' is assumed
              uint   ui,ret;                // supports int, uint
    register  long   longtime;              // long, ulong
    register  char   ch;                    // char, uchar
    register  short  sh;                    // short, ushort
    register  float  x,y,z;                 // float
    register  double xx,yy,zz;              // double
    register  int    array2d[3][2];         // constant indexed register arrays
    sregister int    sgpr1,sgpr2;           // SGPRS are defined as 'sregister'
    sregister long   sgpr64,t2;             // long SGPRS, s[22:23] are even aligned
    local     double localdouble;           // local memory variable (lds)
    local     int    localbuf[1024];        // local memory buffer   (lds)
    local     int    *lp;                   // pointer to local memory
    local     struct tree trees[4],*tp;     // local structures and struct pointers

    _gds      int    gdsval;                // gds memory buffer and vars,
    _gds      long   gdslong;               // gds seen by all kernels
    _gds      int    gds_buf[512];          // gds arrays
    _gds      double gdsdouble;             // double floating point _gds value
    _gds      int    *gp;                   // pointer to gds memory

    global sregister double *sp;            // pointer to global memory with SGPR
    global register  double *vp;            // pointer to global memory with VGPR
           register  double *vp;            // pointers assumed to point to global memory

    gx = get_global_id(0);                  // basic opencl functions
    gy = get_global_id(1);                  //
    gid = 256 * gy + gx;                    // calculate global id

    ret=atomic_inc((uint *)buf,MAXU);       // first addr = 0, ret=0 indicates first wave

    if(ret == 0)                            // first wave initializes a gws global barrier.
        gws_init(N_WAVES, WAVE_BAR_0);      // .. for all 128 waves, used below

    if(gid==3)                              //fast printf, runs near full speed
        printf("hello amd = %d\n",gid);     //prints to screen, uses global arg _printf_

    sgpr64 = vcc;                           // read/write registers vcc, m0, exec, etc.
    sgpr64 = exec;                          //save exec register
    exec   = 0xffffffffffffffffUL;          // this is dangerous.
    exec   = sgpr64;                        // restore exec register
    a      = m0;                            // read the the m0 register.

    yy = fma64(yy, xx, yy);                 // builtin math functions, eg, double fma

    ui = 0xBEEFBABE;                        // builtin bit functions
    j = bitcount(bitrev(ui), ffbitl(ui));   // no. of bits in a +  value of first bit in a

    localdouble = 1.7777;                   // 64 bit local memory

    ds_max_f64(&localdouble, 3.3);          // double atomic max in local memory

    #define CFLOAT 1.2345678f               // float constant
    #define CDBL   1.2345678912345678       // double constant
    ds_min_f64(&localdouble, CDBL, 4);      // local atomics with optional offset

    y = v_cos_f32(x);                       // builtin instructions use gcn assembler names
    a = v_mad_i32_i24(j, a, 12);            // most hardware instructions are available
    z = v_add_f32(abs(x), -y);              // gcn optimiztions for abs() and sign

    k = v_subb_u32(vcc, a, j, vcc);         // BIs use registers vcc, scc, etc
    k = v_add_i32(sgpr1, a, j);             // BIs use user's SGPR registers

    precise24();                            //int mul/div precision set to 24bits

    k = a * j + d;                          // v_mad_i32_i24 1 clock.

    precise32();                            //precision returns to 32 bits

    k = a * j + d;                          // v_mad_i32 4 clocks.

                                            // inline assembly gcn instructions
    asm("v_add_i32 #0, vcc, #1, 123",a,j);  // referencing C register variables
    asm("v_mul_f32 #0, abs(#2), -#1",x,y,x);// optimization available via the assembler
    asm(".message: here I am!");
                                            // Expression optimization
    y = abs(x) * y - abs(z);                // this compiles to one instruction.

    ui = (a & ~k) | (j & k);                // Compiles to one instruction d = bfi(k, j, a);

                                            // Compute z = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
    y = sin2pi(x);                          // sin2pi and cos2pi are native instructions
    x = cos2pi(x);                          // both have domains in units of 2*PI
    z = x*x + y*y;                          // Full computation takes 4 instructions

                                            // global memory,
    yy = buf[3];                            // compiler generates waits for 'C' expressions
    sp = &buf[3];                           // pointer to global memory
    yy = *sp;                               // read global memory

    tbuf_load2(buf, yy, 3*8);               // read using builtin function
    tbuf_load2_glc(buf, yy, 3*8);           // force the glc bit to bypass the cache
    vm_wait(0);                             // user added wait() for 'builtin' instructions

    if(y > x + 3.3f)y=0.0; else y=x;        // simple conditionals use v_cndmask instruction
    if(y==x && i>3)                         // most conditionals use v_cmpx_(op), short code
    for(a = 0; a < 7; a++){                 // do something in a loop
      for(j = 0; j < 7; j++)a = a + j;      // do more

    lp = &localbuf[3];                      // lds and gds access, pointer to local memory
    localbuf[4] = *(lp + 2);                // localbuf[4] = localbuf[5]
    gp = &gds_buf[3];                       // pointer to _gds memory
    gds_buf[4] = *(gp + 2);                 // gds_buf[4] = gds_buf[5]

                                            //LDS/GDS builtin functionss
    ds_atom_inc((uint *)&localbuf[4]);      // atomic inc of global data store
    ds_atom_inc((uint *)&gds_buf[8]);       // ds functionss use lds or  gds
    ds_cmpst_f64(&localdouble, 1.22);       // LDS low level instructions with gcn names

    gs_cmpst_f64(&gdsdouble, 3.44, 8);      // GDS instruction with optional offset

    a = vgpr + sgpr1;                       // mixing SGPRs with VGPRs is allowed

    j = gx & 0x3f;                          // readlane 1) get the local thread id in wave
    sgpr1 = 8;                              // readlane 2) select lane no. 8 in sgpr1
    sgpr2 = v_readlane_b32(j, sgpr1);       // readlane 3) read j from thread 8 (lane 8)
    j = sgpr2;                              // readlane 4) assign to j for all threads

    tp=&trees[0];                           // point to a structure
    if(gx < 0)tp = (tp->l)->r;              // structure pointer to pointer to ......

    yy = localdouble;                       // read local double set at the top
    yy = xx / yy;                           // full precision double divide

    sgpr64   = mem_time();                  // using the gpu clock to time insturctions
    y = cos2pi(x);                          // measure clocks for this instruction
    t2 = mem_time();                        // most insns are 4 clocks, others are 6 or 8
    ds_wait(0);                             // wait for timer to return
    longtime = t2 - sgpr64;                 // most insns are 4 clocks, others are 6 or 8

    gws_barrier(WAVE_BAR_0);                // global wave barrier, everyone wait here!

   j = real_function(a,0);                  // real stack function call

    out[gid] = yy;                          // write something before leaving

int real_function(int a,int b)              // a non-inline function, can be reentrant
    int tmp;                                // local variables are temporary registers

    tmp = a * b;                            // do something
    return tmp;                             // return

// Alternatively, programs are written using GCN ISA code
// Option 1, first compile a shell program using the OCL compiler and paste here
// Option 2, compile a shell program using the GCNC compiler and paste here
// Option 3, Write your own ISA program, requires in depth knowlege opencl internals
    x_set_nvgpr         63
    x_set_nsgpr         40
    x_set_ldsmax        0x7fff
    s_mov_b32     m0, 0x00008000
    s_buffer_load_dwordx2  s[0:1], s[4:7], 0x04
    s_waitcnt          lgkmcnt(0)
    s_mul_i32          s0, s12, s0
    s_mul_i32          s1, s13, s1
    v_add_i32          v0, vcc, s0, v0
    v_add_i32          v1, vcc, s1, v1
    s_load_dwordx4    s[20:23], s[2:3], 0x50
    s_load_dwordx4    s[16:19], s[2:3], 0x58
    s_buffer_load_dword    s24, s[8:11], 0x00
    s_buffer_load_dword    s25, s[8:11], 0x04
    s_buffer_load_dword    s26, s[8:11], 0x08
    s_buffer_load_dword    s27, s[8:11], 0x0c
    s_buffer_load_dword    s28, s[8:11], 0x10
    s_waitcnt          lgkmcnt(0)
    v_mov_b32           v5, v0
    v_mov_b32           v6, v1
    v_lshlrev_b32       v11, 8, v6
    v_add_i32           v7, vcc, v5, v11
    v_mov_b32           v11, 0x3333
    v_mov_b32           v2, 0
    s_waitcnt           lgkmcnt(0)
    v_lshlrev_b32       v11, 2, v7
    v_add_i32           v11, vcc, s25, v11
    s_waitcnt           lgkmcnt(0)
    v_mov_b32           v0,1.111
    v_mov_b32           v1,7.0
    v_mov_b32           v9,10.0
    v_mac_f32           v9,v1,2.222
    tb_store_fmt_x      v9, v11, s[20:23], 0 offen format:TF_X

.end lcctest
#endif //_MIXCODE_GCN